Welcome to Wing Flower Wellness,

At the heart of the Wing Flower Healing Method lies a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all aspects of life. Here’s what distinguishes our method:

  • Ancient Wisdom, Modern Understanding: We honor ancient indigenous practices while embracing contemporary scientific insights, offering a comprehensive healing experience that bridges tradition with evidence-based approaches.

  • Intuitive Guidance: Our practitioners are trained to intuitively guide each session, ensuring a personalized and empowering experience tailored to the unique needs of every individual.

  • Holistic Wellness: Beyond addressing physical ailments, our method nurtures emotional and spiritual well-being, encouraging profound personal growth and inner harmony.

Are you actively developing your personal power?

The Wing Flower Healing Method supports you in

  • Deeping your personal healing

  • Develping your intuition

  • Reclaming your personal power

    Rooted in indigenous traditions and informed by the latest advancements in energy medicine, This healing method harmoniously integrates the profound healing properties of crystals with precise hand placements aimed at unlocking the body's energy centers, known as chakras. By facilitating the flow of life force energy (Chi), the Wing Flower Healing Method clears blockages and restores balance, fostering deep relaxation and holistic rejuvenation of mind, body, and spirit.

Meet Our Founder

John Wing Flower, co-founder of Nandi wellness and advisor board member at Soul Spark Learning, brings over 15 years of dedication to the healing arts. John’s teachings are inspired by his ancestral lineage and his mother’s profound legacy in healing. John specializes in Cancer support, nervous system release, crystal healing, native way finding practices. He has authored several books on intuition and the essence of love. Through The Wing flower healing method He has trained healers all across the globe.

  • Personalized Energy Healing Sessions: Experience the transformative power of energy healing through sessions tailored to your specific needs, whether addressing physical ailments, emotional blockages, or spiritual growth.

  • Workshops and Training: Deepen your understanding of the Wing Flower Healing Method through workshops and training programs designed for both personal enrichment and professional development.

  • Consultations and Mentorship: Receive personalized guidance from John Wing Flower and our team on integrating holistic healing practices into your daily life, fostering sustained well-being and spiritual evolution..

Our Offerings